College Statement of Faith

The mission and vocation of W. L. Bonner College emerges out of the historical and theological vision of The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.  In keeping with this denominational connection, our theological perspectives are strongly rooted in the Holy Bible, the WORD of God. It is the first and final rule of faith and morals.  Moreover, we are products of the evangelical witness of the Apostolic Pentecostal tradition in America.  As such, we affirm the Oneness of God who has made Himself known as “Father in Creation”, “Son in Redemption”, and “Holy Spirit” who regenerates and infills the believer and superintends the body of Christ.  Furthermore, we affirm the Incarnation, the Virgin Birth of our Savior, the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Pentecostal experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues, and the Charismata as set forth in I Corinthians Chapter 12.  We believe that living a holy life is a biblical mandate.